How to Install Angular on Windows 10
This article go through you how to Completely install Angular CLI to your pc
Steps that we use to install the Angular CLI
- Installing Server-side
- Installing Angular CLI
- Installing EDITOR and run a project
Installing Server-side
What is server side that is required?
We use NodeJS.

After installing the setup use this cmd command to check whether if its installed success.
ππ» node -v

Installing Angular CLI
Goto Angular Official_website. and Run this command to install angular CLI

Now check Angular CLI Version by using this CMD COMMAND
ππ» ng β version

Installing EDITOR and run a project
Use VScode as an IDE. To install it goto VS code official_website. and download the extension file related to your os.

After installing it open use command promt (not powershell )and create new project with this command.
ππ» ng new my-sample-app
*Put yes to Routing and select css as Styling.
ππ» cd my-sample-app
*Go inside to project folder

ππ» ng serve β It will Run your Project
ππ» ng serve β open β it will Run and open browser it self.

After complete of running system will redirect you to the below browser window that mean your Angular Set up is Installed Successfully!