Why Computer Don’t Take Division by Zero as Infinite?
Hi All, Welcome to another Techie Talk.
As we know in the mathematics we consider division by zero as Infinite. but in the computer world it doesn't take like that Why? 🤔
Let’s talk about that, as an example think that we need to divide 20 by 5, what we do is we separate 5 packs from the 20. but computer do it another way it subtract the value from the 5 until 20 hits the zero or go beyond the zero.

Ok, Now we know the process of division and how its work. Lets Divide some division by zero and lets see whats happening.
Ex : 1/0 = infinite (Maths Logic) || 1/0 = Cannot Consider (Computer)

Consider this ,

Why Computer says Division Divide by Zero is Undefined?
in that image(1.2) you can see, when we divide some division by value that goes towards the zero it creates higher value that means we cant get exact number for the division of zero that’s why it says infinite.
But in computer, take the first and second example these are got same answer for division of zero that was infinite. but in logically that means 1 is equal to 2 because both are got infinite answer when it divide by zero. that’s not math true right? so that computer identified that that kind of situation as UNDEFINED Therefore we cannot says division divide by zero is infinite.
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